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Defining Functions

Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. They help organize programs into manageable sections.

Syntax of a Function Definition:

def function_name(parameters):
# Function body
# Indented code block
  • def: Keyword that indicates the start of a function definition.
  • function_name: The name of the function used to call it later.
  • parameters: Optional variables that the function can accept as input.
  • :: Colon indicating the end of the function header.
  • Indentation: The function body must be indented consistently (usually 4 spaces).


Defining a simple greeting function:

def greeting(name):
print("Hello, " + name + "!")

Calling the function:



Hello, Alice!

Functions with Multiple Parameters

Functions can accept multiple parameters:

def greeting(name, department):
print("Welcome, " + name + "!")
print("You are part of " + department + ".")

Calling the function:

greeting("Bob", "IT Support")


Welcome, Bob!
You are part of IT Support.

Built-in Functions

Python provides several built-in functions that are readily available for use.


Outputs the specified message to the screen:

print("Hello, World!")


Returns the data type of the specified object:

print(type("security"))  # Output: <class 'str'>
print(type(7)) # Output: <class 'int'>

To display the type information, wrap type() with print().

Passing One Function into Another

You can pass the output of one function as the input to another:

print(type(str(7)))  # Output: <class 'str'>


Converts a value to a string:

number = 12
print(str(number)) # Output: '12'


Returns a sorted list from the items in an iterable:

time_list = [5.2, 3.8, 7.1, 2.4]
print(sorted(time_list)) # Output: [2.4, 3.8, 5.2, 7.1]
  • The original list remains unchanged.

max() And min()

  • max(): Returns the largest item.
  • min(): Returns the smallest item.
sessions = [30, 45, 20, 55, 40]
print(max(sessions)) # Output: 55
print(min(sessions)) # Output: 20

Returning Values

Functions can send back values using the return statement.

Single Return Value

Calculating the area of a triangle:

def area_triangle(base, height):
return (base * height) / 2

Using the function:

area = area_triangle(5, 4)
print(area) # Output: 10.0

Using Returned Values in Calculations

area_a = area_triangle(5, 4)
area_b = area_triangle(7, 3)
total_area = area_a + area_b
print("The total area is " + str(total_area))


The total area is 20.5

Returning Multiple Values

Functions can return multiple values as a tuple:

def convert_seconds(seconds):
hours = seconds // 3600 # Floor division
minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60
remaining_seconds = seconds % 60
return hours, minutes, remaining_seconds

Using the function:

hours, minutes, seconds = convert_seconds(5000)
print(hours, minutes, seconds) # Output: 1 23 20

Functions Without a Return Value

If a function doesn't have a return statement, it returns None:

def greet(name):
print("Hello, " + name + "!")

result = greet("Alice")
print(result) # Output: None
  • None is a special data type representing the absence of a value.

Code Reuse Principles

Avoiding Code Duplication

Functions promote code reuse and reduce duplication.

Before Refactoring:

name = "Alice"
number = len(name) * 9
print("Hello, " + name + ". Your lucky number is " + str(number))

name = "Bob"
number = len(name) * 9
print("Hello, " + name + ". Your lucky number is " + str(number))

After Refactoring:

def lucky_number(name):
number = len(name) * 9
print("Hello, " + name + ". Your lucky number is " + str(number))

  • Benefits:
    • Readability: Clear and concise code.
    • Maintainability: Easier to update and manage.
    • Efficiency: Less chance of errors.

Code Style

Writing code with good style enhances readability and collaboration.

Self-Documenting Code

Use meaningful variable and function names to make the code understandable.


def calculate_lucky_number(name):
lucky_number = len(name) * 9
print("Hello, " + name + ". Your lucky number is " + str(lucky_number))

Refactoring Code

Rewriting code to improve its structure without changing its functionality.

Adding Comments

Comments explain the purpose of code segments.

def calculate_lucky_number(name):
# Calculate lucky number based on name length
lucky_number = len(name) * 9
print("Hello, " + name + ". Your lucky number is " + str(lucky_number))
  • Use # for single-line comments.
  • Comments should be concise and relevant.

Indentation and Formatting

  • Consistency: Use consistent indentation (typically 4 spaces).
  • PEP 8 Guidelines: Follow Python's style guide for best practices.

Study Guide: Functions

Key Terms

  • Return Value: The output that a function provides using the return statement.
  • Parameter (Argument): A value passed into a function for use within the function.
  • Refactoring Code: Modifying code to improve its structure without altering its functionality.

Knowledge Points

  • Defining Functions: Use def keyword and provide parameters if needed.
  • Return Statement: Use return to send back a value from a function.
  • Best Practices:
    • Reusable Functions: Write functions that can be used in multiple scenarios.
    • Self-Documenting Code: Use clear names and structures.
    • Comments: Add comments where necessary to explain complex logic.

Coding Skills

Skill Group 1

  • Using Functions with Multiple Parameters:

    def rectangle_area(width, height):
    return width * height

    area = rectangle_area(5, 3)
  • Returning a Result Value:

    def cube(number):
    return number ** 3

    result = cube(4) # Output: 64

Skill Group 2

  • Measurement Conversion Function:

    def miles_to_kilometers(miles):
    return miles * 1.60934
  • Using Arithmetic Operators:

    def calculate_time(seconds):
    minutes = seconds // 60
    remaining_seconds = seconds % 60
    return minutes, remaining_seconds
  • Combining Text with Function Calls:

    print("Kilometers in 5 miles: " + str(miles_to_kilometers(5)))
  • Converting Return Value for Printing:

    distance_km = miles_to_kilometers(10)
    print("Distance in kilometers: " + str(distance_km))
  • Performing Calculations in Function Calls:

    print("Total area: " + str(rectangle_area(5, 3) + rectangle_area(2, 4)))

Additional Resources: