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Attention is all they need

· 2 min read

Today, let’s veer away from the world-altering article and models to discuss something equally pervasive but often overlooked: recommendation systems. Although these systems are omnipresent across the websites I frequent—suggesting what I "might like" and filtering out what I "might not"—their varying algorithms can lead to some amusing paradoxes. For instance, I have a distinct preference for crisp apples over mushy ones, but it’s unlikely that any recommendation system could discern such subtle distinctions. And then, there’s the almost comical scenario where after purchasing a refrigerator, e-commerce platforms continue to bombard me with deals on more refrigerators.

Person of Interest

· 2 min read

I recently finished binge-watching 'Person of Interest', and the entire experience was a non-stop thrill ride - the brilliant storytelling left me in awe episode after episode. The demise of certain characters really tugged at the heartstrings. This show seems to underscore that good ultimately triumphs, though the fragility of life invokes deep introspection.


· 3 min read

The ability of humans to create and use tools has propelled our development far beyond that of other species, establishing us as the dominants of Earth. A famous observation highlights that despite humans being far less energy-efficient in running compared to other animals, the introduction of the bicycle significantly surpassed the energy efficiency of any animal. This example profoundly illustrates the concept that tools equal efficiency: the appropriate use of tools within our limited time and energy determines the heights we can reach.

2023 albums summary

· 2 min read

Based on "60 Top-Quality Singles of 2023 You Shouldn't Miss | Prism Scenery Sp.10 - Bilibili".

I've compiled a list of my favorite music tracks featured in this video. My primary interest lies in rock music. Additionally, I have a fondness for full-length albums. Below, you'll find the Spotify links for these albums. While there are certainly other albums worth exploring, I don't claim to be a comprehensive music radar. However, I'm on the lookout for more summary videos to enrich my playlist.

Test blog

· One min read

A Blog Test

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